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Employee Benefits for Businesses

Including, speciality products and services designed for government contractors and employees.

Innovative, Transparent, Simple

The RFP Advantage 

Benefits coverage for employees and their family members has never been more important.  RFP puts your employees and families first.  Backed by an innovative, yet simple approach to benefits, RFP keeps it simple and provides unparalleled transparency, compliance, and access to you and your employees.

Service Contractors

At RFP, we pride ourselves on delivering expertise in our industry.  Simple and transparent solutions are key to delivering benefits to you and your employees.​  

The United States services industry deserves the very best.  That is why it is important to us that employees have the coverage they need when they need it. 

Want to know the minute fringe dollars are in your employees accounts.  Now you know when we do.

Want to run a report from the last five years and provide it to a contracting officer in five minutes.  Now, you can have it in seconds.  It's all yours.  

Cleaning the Floor

Construction Contractors

Backed by years of research in government contracting, it's all too easy to say you've got it but we prove it each day.  There is no room for error in construction.  Modern marvels depend on your expertise.  We deliver point in time solutions when you and your employees need them.  When you need a report from five years ago, it's right there at your fingertips.  Simple, transparent, compliant solutions for your employees and their dependents.  Providing our best to you as you provide the infrastructure that makes our country great.

Living Wage 

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Living Wage Ordinances are designed to offer just that, a living wage to those employees working either in a city or county.  Living Wage Ordinances are different by region and often within a region by city or county ordinances.  RFP designs plans for all companies built on innovation, simplicity and transparency to deliver cost conscious healthcare for all employees and their family members.

Want to know what a living wage looks like in your area?  Try out MIT's Living Wage Calculator.

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